John Smith created a new event Product Demo for Pork Corp scheduled for July 5, 2023, at 10:00 AM. (Assigned to: Sarah Johnson)
Sarah Johnson commented on event Product Demo for Pork Chop.
Wow, the Product Demo for Pork Chop sounds exciting! I can't wait to see what our team has in store for this event. Let's make sure to prepare thoroughly and deliver a top-notch presentation. If anyone needs assistance or has any ideas, feel free to reach out to me. Together, we'll make it a great success!
Post replySarah Johnson joined the sales team. Welcome, Sarah!
Jennifer Thompson assigned the Follow-up Call task to John Smith for the Product Demo for Pork Chop event.
Mark Davis updated the event Sales Training Workshop scheduled for July 10, 2023, to include a new guest speaker.
Emily Carter completed the task Lead Generation Research assigned by Mark Davis.